Tuesday, 9 August 2016

About the mascot

About the mascot
This year's mascot has ears like a cat and a tail like a monkey.The colours of the cat-monkey are yellow, orange, green,blue, white face and a patch on his small belly. The colours that are on the cat-monkey are the same as the Olympic rings. The name of this mascot is vinicius. He is mixer’s of different and wonderful creatures of Brazil.



  1. Hello Latu, I really found this description writing helpful. I didn't know that Vinicius was a mixture of all creatures in Brazil. I really enjoyed the way you described the mascot from head to toe.
    I am looking forward for more Olympic posts. Keep it up :)

    1. Hi Rosrine,
      thanks for commenting on my blog post about the olympics. I also went to know more about you and your school, and more thanks .
